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November 1st, 2018, Luis Velasco, “Sound, Music and (Aural) Memories of Armed Violence: Listening to the Testimonies of Seven Survivors of the Paris Bataclan Terrorist Attack”

Thursday 1 November 2018
11am-1pm, Ó Riada Hall
Department of Music, Sunday’s Well Road  
Luis Velasco-Pufleau
University of Fribourg / Fondation Maison des sciences de l’homme (FMSH, Paris)

Sound, Music and (Aural) Memories of Armed Violence: Listening to the Testimonies of Seven Survivors of the Paris Bataclan Terrorist Attack
  My lecture examines listening experiences of the Paris Bataclan terrorist attack as processes of appropriation and transformation of an event of extreme violence. It is based on the aural testimonies of seven survivors of the terrorist attack, who I met between April 2016 and March 2017. I explore how music and sound have been mobilised in order to understand, remember or move on from the terrorist attack. My results show that listening experiences are located, they are anchored in space. The meaning given to music and sounds depends strongly on the physical, emotional and sensory conditions of listening, as well as on the characteristics of sounds and the predispositions and expectations of auditors.
Luis Velasco-Pufleau is a musicologist and electroacoustic music composer. He is currently postdoctoral researcher at the University of Fribourg and associated research fellow at the Fondation Maison des sciences de l’homme in Paris (ANR research programme Sortir de la violence and Humanitarian studies platform). His research focuses on political, historical, and aesthetic issues of music and sound, in particular related to conflict and violence. After completing his PhD in Music and musicology at Sorbonne University in 2011, he was a postdoctoral researcher at the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (EHESS), and University of Salzburg, as well as a Balzan visiting fellow at the University of Oxford. He is an editorial board member of the journal Transposition, Music and social sciences and editor of the open access research blog Music, sound and conflict.   For full details see:

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Sabrina Melenotte (31 octobre 2018). November 1st, 2018, Luis Velasco, “Sound, Music and (Aural) Memories of Armed Violence: Listening to the Testimonies of Seven Survivors of the Paris Bataclan Terrorist Attack” SoV. Consulté le 17 septembre 2024 à l’adresse

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